

Corrosion Inhibitor Admixture for Concrete (CECRI Process)
Used for building Corrosion Resistant - Anticorrosive Concrete Structures

PROTKOR-CRC is an Anticorrosive Liquid admixture to be added at the time of preparing the concrete mix. Addition of PROTKOR-CRC protects the steel rebars embedded in RCC structures from corrosion even if the structure is exposed to aggressive corrosive environments, Marine, Coastal, Industrial polluting atmospheres.

PROTKOR-CRC can be used with PPC as well as OPC cement. In concrete containing PPC cement it provides passivation to the steel rebars in spite of lower alkalinity of PPC thus converting the normal PPC cement to CORROSION RESISTANT PPC.

PROTKOR-CRC is a chemical formulation in liquid form. The chemical should be taken in required quantity depending on the cement quantity and poured into the mixer machine along with the water used for preparing concrete.

Protektol Anticorrosives are authorized Licensee of CECRI ( Central Electro Chemical Research Institute – a premier research institution of Govt. of India /CSIR )